Happy Thanksgiving all!
The last month of launching my own firm has reminded me of the many wonderful people in my life for whom I am immensely grateful. What better day than Thanksgiving to give thanks…
…to my amazing, talented friend Mary Kekllas, who designed my logo and website. This is a new adventure for her too and I only hope that I didn’t drive her so crazy as to make her rethink her new career path. She patiently taught me how to enter content and use the dashboard and even more patiently cleaned up my inevitable mistakes.
…to Jerry Kestenbaum, who has taken us into his BuildingLink family, given us space and friendship and turned a potentially lonely, new venture into a wonderful, warm, welcoming experience. I love the office (what could be cooler than Union Square?) and the people there.
…to Lisa Merriam, who is teaching me all about SEO and Yost and how to optimize my website.
…to amazing writers Colleen DeBaise (@colleendebaise) and Geri Stengel (@ventureneer) for their articles on my launch in the Story Exchange and the Huffington Post (A New York Lawyer Popular With Entrepreneurs Becomes One Herself) and Forbes (VC Lawyer Provides Scaffolding for Building Big Ventures, respectively
…to my terrific associate, Izzy Cohn, who bravely joined me on this adventure.
…to all my clients, who followed me, and to all the new ones who have come on board these first few weeks.
…to my son, Sammy, for all the designs and logos and launch videos that he’s created.
…to my husband, Mitch, the “office manager.” We decided to put our 24-year marriage to the test by seeing if we can work together. As long as I get my time sheets in and keep track of my expenses, I think we’ll be ok…