VC/Startup Lawyer Provides Scaffolding for Building Big Ventures by Geri Stengel

 Lori Hoberman knows what entrepreneurs need and don’t need in order to grow their businesses. She’s been advising leaders of high-growth companies for a couple of decades. And what they don’t need is large-firm prices and a stuffy atmosphere.

What they do need, in addition to legal and strategic advice, is someone to open doors for them to money, customers, vendors, and employees. They need back-office support, such as HR, payroll, and marketing. Many lawyers claim they can do this, but few have the connections that Hoberman does. She not only knows people, she connects the dots between the entrepreneur and the resources needed.

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A New York Lawyer Popular With Entrepreneurs Becomes One Herself


Lori Hoberman is a New York City lawyer, but doesn’t look or act like one. She dresses casually, wears her hair long and unfussed, and takes enormous pleasure in hosting events like “Chocolate Night,” where she invites everyone she knows in the city’s entrepreneurship world (from venture capitalists to newbie business owners) to gather around platters of truffles and steaming fondue pots. Her informality may be one reason why Alley Watch, a blog for startups, named her one of “20 Awesome People in the New York Tech Scene” you need to know about.


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Lori Hoberman Starts Her Own Law Firm, Incubator

Lori Hoberman is a New York City lawyer, but doesn’t look or act like one. She dresses casually, wears her hair long and unfussed, and takes enormous pleasure in hosting events like “Chocolate Night,” where she invites everyone she knows in the city’s entrepreneurship world (from venture capitalists to newbie business owners) to gather around platters of truffles and steaming fondue pots. Her informality may be one reason why Alley Watch, a blog for startups, named her one of “20 Awesome People in the New York Tech Scene” you need to know about.

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Inspiring Girls to Be Tech Entrepreneurs

 2014-07-29-headerphoto1.jpgInside a conference room on the 36th floor of Rockefeller Center, a group of 17 high school girls are animatedly talking about their startup plans.

One team is plotting Tek Truk, a vehicle loaded with computers, chargers and other devices, that would cater to students or people in parks in need of an electronic fix. Another team wants to engineer high-heeled shoes called Taussure that would easily convert to flats for comfortable walking.

by Colleen DeBais 
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